Good Thursday C Area!
First, a BIG congrats to Chase Griffin who can now hang up his Action 5 News blazer for good! Well done to Chase and everyone who helped in reaching his CPC status. High 5’s all around!
CPDLC stuff - Please check your schedule. I mean, check it regularly anyway, but make sure you’re aware of when you will be in class. You will have a D08NF, D07NF, D06NF. These are your class dates. I know there are changes to your schedule that aren’t always helpful or your favorite, but if you don’t get through this class, you will be assigned another one. If you have any questions about this, please let me know.
Also - there will be a line in the next update to ERAM on your map. It will be in the upper right hand corner from 11 & 08 and will make a little triangle that heads up towards Canada. My descriptive drawing skills were never my forte, just know that there will be a line that you will learn the meaning for it in your CPDLC class. Questions…? You know the drill.
We will start round 4 this morning, sorry it’s taken so long. Needed to get a few things figured out before I hit start. We have an “extra” pay period next year, essentially pay period 1 starts Dec 17 and gives us an extra pay period of leave hours for the year. For round 4, 8-hour earners can bid up to 7 days. Please keep the bidding moving so we can get the leave requests entered ASAP and not lose any slots in January.
If you haven’t already heard, we will be receiving a pay raise in January of 4.6%. I don’t have the exact locality change yet, will let you know when I hear.
I have been getting word of the E75’s requesting lower going into PSC from sector 1. I will follow up with this with the A area to see if we can get control of these guys. If you’re seeing anything else that could use some attention with all the changes we’re going through, please share.
As a housekeeping note - lets all be nice. If you’re working a mid with someone who doesn’t work it the same way as you, work with them to discuss the plan. Or if it looks like it will be busy, keep it split. Management is looking at how things are run after 9pm and what we DON’T want is for them to have to mandate how late things are kept split or open. Be back from break on time. Check on those who are working if you’re here late. All things we do a great job with normally, lets keep it up and keep management from wanting to meddle as much as possible.
I know Vancouver has been clearing aircraft direct JAKSN on the GLASR arrival, and this has been forwarded to airspace for them to look into.
I’m probably forgetting something, so I’ll try to remember for next time. Have a great week and keep on keepin on.