C Area,
Spot Leave
Now that all our 2021 bid leave is imported into web schedule, we’re able to open up spot leave requests starting on 1-14-21 at 11:00PM local. This should be when the least number of people are in the control room to allow the most number of people access to web schedule and provide some time to plan for it.
To be clear, all spot leave requests for unpublished schedules made before 1-14-21 at 11:00PM local will be deleted and you will need to make the request again on or after 1-14-21 at 11:00PM local.
5x5 Bid Leave Processing Changes
Since being on COVID schedules we have been individually matching each controller's bid leave from their bid 5/2 schedule to their current 5/5 schedule. While this was an okay short term solution meant to help us as much as possible, it has been cumbersome in communication, application and leads to errors in individual leave. For our 2021 bid, while still on COVID schedules, we will be adjusting this process. Schedules are required to be published 4 weeks prior to each pay period, therefore scheduling is done 4-6 weeks prior. Please review your bid schedule, bid leave, and how it will align with your COVID schedule. If you wish to cancel any of your leave while on COVID schedules please either delete it in web schedule or email carly.way@faa.gov 6 weeks prior to publishing. If you wish to have leave on your bid RDOs in conjunction with bid leave (whether it falls on 5 on or 5 off) please put your leave requests into web schedule with a remark/note "leave for RDO in conjunction with bid leave" AND email carly.way@faa.gov 6 weeks prior to publishing. We will need the email to ensure this is related to your bid leave request. Here are dates that are 6 weeks prior to publishing:
PP06 Jan 17
PP07 Jan 31
PP08 Feb 14
PP09 Feb 28
PP10 Mar 14
PP11 Mar 28
5x5 Beginning of Shift OT Notification
In order to help reduce the workload in building the schedule. We have agreed to not receive the beginning of shift OT assignments in CEDAR while 5x5. To be clear this is just for the 10 min OT assessments made prior to publication and any OT assignment on your RDOs or any changes after publications will still require a notification.
5x5 2021 Shift Preferences Solicitation
We haven’t received everyone’s updated preference for 2021. Just a friendly reminder please click the link below and fill it out, even if you don’t want to change. To recap, Crew A and Crew B will not be changing rosters, but there is the ability for movement within each crew based on seniority as much as possible. We can’t guarantee it 100% based on seniority due to requiring a number of CICs and OJTIs on day and swing shifts but we’ll make every effort to get it as close as we can. To be clear, this is just a preference update and we haven’t gotten full approval from management to enact it nor can we guarantee we’ll be able too. Once we have everyone’s updated preferences, we’ll present it to management and implement it on a future unpublished pay period if approved.
Please click here for the preference survey
Future Projects
As some of you already heard, we’ve been denied the ability to train on C High (07, 11, 47, and 48 combined) when the trainee isn’t certified on 2 of the highs already. We’re working on adjusting this so that it’ll be up to the training team if they want to train on C High or split it out. Expect an update on that in the future.
ZLC LOA change proposal. We’re currently working on an update to ZLC LOA to address some Seattle Arrival routing issues, adding control for speeds, and cleaning up the language reference IR301/IR307. We haven’t heard back from ZLC on some specifics of our proposal but our hope is that it will be finalized and implemented before summer traffic hits. Once the LOA is updated/changed expect to be officially briefed on it (my guess is it'll be a CEDAR briefing).
If there are any questions please feel free to reach out to myself, Frank, or Carly.
Hope everyone had a Happy New Year!
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep