C Area,
2021 5x5 Shift Preferences
We are scheduling for 2021 and would like to solicit for preferences again. Crew A and Crew B will not be changing rosters, but there is the ability for movement within each crew based on seniority as much as possible. We can’t guarantee it 100% based on seniority due to requiring a number of CICs and OJTIs on day and swing shifts but we’ll make every effort to get it as close as we can. To be clear, this is just a preference update and we haven’t gotten full approval from management to enact it nor can we guarantee we’ll still be 5x5 in 2021.
We’ll try to transition to the new preferences at the beginning of the new leave year or as soon as feasible pending approval.
Please click here for the survey
2021 Bid Leave While 5x5
We are working on coming up with a more effective way to handle bid leave while 5x5 in 2021. Expect more to follow on this is a following up date.
As always please feel free to reach out with any questions.
James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep