C Area,

ZLC LOA change ideas
Right now we’re working with the airspace office to see if it’s feasible to have ZLC clear aircraft no further west of PDT on the CHINS arrival and no further west of GEG on the GLASR arrival with control for speeds. To be clear nothing is official yet on this. Just ideas to help alleviate those aircraft cutting across 48 direct TEMPL or SUNED and have a better stream/flow into each arrival sector. I’d like input on this positive or negative so please reach out to me if you have any.

NUW meeting
Discussed the new LOA and some growing pain issues on both sides. All in all we should see less issues with flight plan remakes and aircraft shouldn’t be asking what their airspace end time is moving forward. If anyone wants me to discuss the meeting in further detail I’d be happy to. Just let me know.

AWS/Maxi Flex 40/Shift Swap
Unfortunately due to some conflicts management has pushed back negotiations until 3-11-20 so I won’t have an update until then at the earliest. I apologize for the delay on this and once I have an answer yes or no on the requests I’ll reach out to everyone that had one on the status.

James Darlington
NATCA C Area Rep
