C Area,

T-Routes will be added to the tear-offs under MAPC on the scope by the end of February or early March.

At the request of multiple members we are trying to move the PUW Stadium TFR from the EAT/SZT ILS tear-off to one or both of the SAA tear-off(s) under MAPC on the scope.  This will give the added benefit of being able to pull up the TFR on the scope using the SAA button on the VIK rather than just the tear-off.  Doing it this way will also give the ability to turn it on in EDST to make it orange on the scope.  I’m hoping this will be changed at the same time as the T-Routes because it’s my understand when there is an update to the scope you may have to save your settings again if you want either of these on or off when you sign into the sector.  Thus getting these updates at the same time should reduce the number of times you may have to resave your settings. 

This past week you may have seen some issues where aircraft exiting Okanogan/Molson didn’t have individual return flight plans exiting the airspace.  We are currently working to get this resolved but if it’s still an issue next week or so please let me know.

On the note of Okanogan/Molson I am working with management and the airspace office to get verbal briefings for everyone that wasn’t able to attend the most recent briefing that included some major LOA changes.  

Lastly, if you filled out an AWS/Maxi Flex 40/Shift Swap request form I am hoping to have an update on those in the next few weeks.  I will contact everyone that filled out a form individually to follow up on what was or wasn’t approved after meeting with management.  Thanks for everyone’s patience on these.

If there are any questions on the stuff above I’d be happy to go over it in more detail.  Please feel free to call/text/email me or stop me at work anytime.  Thanks

James Darlington


