The entire facility is now back on BWS and it seems like it is just in time. The weather has been great and more people have been out flying every day. Covid vaccines seem to be very available and a return to normal life appears to be just around the corner.


Prior to covid, we solicited for people that are interested in learning the SGET (Scenario Generation and Editing Tool) role but of course everything was put on hold. While there are no classes currently scheduled, we’d like to start gathering a list of people interested so we’ll be ready when things get going again. Normally, this person deals a lot with designing and maintaining simulator scenarios used for training but this role will be integral when our facility starts Data Comm. Ideally, we’d like at least two people per area that SGET qualified. Please reply to this email or let your Area Rep know if you are interested or would just like more information. Also, if you had submitted your name before and are still interested, please let us know again so we can ensure we’ve got the most accurate list.

Gym Reopening

As of April 1st, the gym has been reopened. There are some details that still need to be ironed out though, mainly the use of the weight section. There are curtains up to split the room into quarters and occupancy is limited to one person per quarter. Additionally, some equipment will be moved and some will remain off limits, please do not remove any signs or move any machines, etc. The NATCA OSHA reps have been working with the Employee’s Association and the agency to ensure the gym is now included in the regular cleanings, three times a day. The memo with further information is in CEDAR.

National Elections

With the nomination period closed, our new National Executive Board is already nearly set. All positions went unopposed except for Region X, which encompasses the union’s other bargaining units including engineers, aircraft certification and legal professionals. Rich Santa will be the new President, Andrew Lebovidge will be the new Executive Vice President and the Northwest Mountain Region will continue to be led by our own Alex Navarro! They, along with the rest of the National Executive Board, have all dedicated a huge portion of their lives to the future of this union and it will be exciting to see them in action for another 3 years. Congratulations all!

Have a wonderful evening,

Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore
