Good Afternoon All! Hopefully you’re out enjoying the sun!
Covid shot procedure
As with all things during the past year, procedures have shifted again to request covid vaccine EA. There have been some issues and confusion on the supervisory level as to when a shift can be converted to EA or when it needs to stay as SL. The process should be as follows:
When you make your appointment, put in a request for EA with “COVID shot” in the remarks. Also, please write whether it’s dose #1 or dose #2. You should probably let someone in management know the request is in there so it can be addressed.
If that is denied, put in a SL request for the same dates with COVID shot in the remarks.
Derek and Don will review all denied EA requests on the Monday after each pay period has ended to see what can be converted from SL to EA. Right now, if no OT is triggered for the shift, EA should be allowed. If SL is converted to EA, management does have the right to ask for proof of vaccination.
As a reminder, you are not required to report your vaccination to management unless you’re requesting EA. The flight surgeon does not need to know either unless you experience symptoms more than 48 hours after your shot.
Magellan Employee Assistance Program
This pandemic era has been an incredibly stressful time for the vast majority of people. It has been affecting everyone in different ways but so many of us are reluctant to seek help for a variety of reasons but a common one is that some are concerned about affecting their medical clearance. We wanted to ensure people are informed of the EAP so they know the avenues available to pursue help. EAP is a free benefit and you are afforded 8 free sessions with a counselor per issue. That is not limited to per year so if you have another issue after your first 8, the next 8 is free as well. If you would like confidential help navigating the system safely, email If you would like to see what type of help is available, please look through You don’t need to wait until things are at a breaking point either, no issue is too small.
As it stands, there will be an NCEPT panel this quarter. Here is the timeline if anyone is interested:
2021 NCEPT Timeline
The Parties at the national level have agreed to conduct an NCEPT using the following timeline:
23 April ERR Submission Deadline
30 April HR Staffing Workbook entries completed
5 May Facility Priority Placement Tool (Weekly Run)
6 May NCEPT data executed
10 May HR resume upload begins
14 May HR resume upload complete
17 May Manager Ranking List published (Opened)
21 May Manager Rankings completed (Closed)
25 May P21 prepares data for NCEPT board
27 May NCEPT convenes/adjourns
With our world getting closer and closer to returning to normal, a lot of programs are getting up and running again. A lot of volunteer requests are going out on both the national and regional emails so keep your eyes out for anything that might pique your interests.
Derek Adams and Amy Sizemore