Holy crap! Where the heck did January go? I hope you are all having a good start to the new year. I know a 3.4% pay raise helped put a smile on my face.

IST Cadres

We are still in need of IST cadres for the next round of recurrent training. As mentioned before, it will be two main cadres as well as an alternate that will also teach one class on Saturdays to ensure we cover the whole workweek. It’s looking like the schedule will be an 0800 and a 1400 class during the week and a mid morning class on Saturday. The two volunteers will be taken off the schedule for the entire two week period and be placed on straight days or straight mid-days/early swings. The alternate just needs to be available for a mid-morning on Saturdays. Management has been very flexible so far in working this all out so, please let an Eboard member know if you are interested.

ZSE Airspace Redesign

As a reminder, the Eboard is currently working on putting together an airspace redesign collaborative work group. Although this project is very much in it’s infancy, please start thinking about if this is a work group you would like to be a part of. It will obviously take a lot of resources and a lot of time, but with the increase in traffic and workload we are all feeling, it is time to start looking at all the options we have. Now is a good time to start letting your area reps know your interest in participating or any ideas you have to improve ZSE and the airspace we work. We will keep you posted as things progress.

Collaboration Health Assessment

Next week there will be some visitors to ZSE to conduct a Collaboration Health Assessment. You may have noticed something in CEDAR about this. This is a joint effort by NATCA and Management to get a snapshot of how collaboration is working at our facility. The interviews take between 15-30 minutes and I encourage you all to participate. Hopefully this will give us a good measure of how collaboration is working at ZSE as well as how we (management) can improve our collaborative efforts.

Politics At Work/Hatch Act

As we rapidly approach election season, I think it is important to remind you all what a thin line we walk when discussing politics while at work and on government property. It only takes one person, taking one thing the wrong way, during political discussions to cause a whole mess of problems for a member. This is a very serious subject with very serious consequences, so please be careful what you say and what debates you may be tempted to get involved in. For more information on the Hatch Act do’s and don’ts please check out a post from the NATCA website HERE.

For a lot of us sports nuts, this is a big weekend. Please be careful and be safe as you venture out or stay in your own living room for the “Big Game.”

In Solidarity,

Derek Adams
