Hello Everyone! Hope the past couple of weeks have treated you well.

New Reps in the building!

At our all member’s meeting in December, we voted to change our local constitution to include a Staff Specialist Representative and alternate Area Representatives. Each Area Rep has the option to chose an alternate and then will be voted on by the E-Board.

Congrats to: Paul Skorniakoff - Staff Specialist Rep, Matt Beckman - A Area Alternate, Kenny Courts - B Area Alternate, Drew Stewart - D Area Alternate.

No, I didn’t forget TMU or the C Area, they’ll decide later theirs later if they need one.

National TTL SME

We are looking for a volunteer to be on the National TTL (formerly known as the DYSIM) SME team. This person will be learning Data Com and ghost piloting at the Tech Center in New Jersey and any of the 20 ERAM Centers across the country. Requirements: Must be a CPC, must have already completed the ERAM Ghost Pilot course, and must be willing to travel… a lot. Approximately two weeks a month, possibly consecutively. If you’re interested, please let me, Derek or your Rep know.


We have placed a PRoC quick fact sheet in the bulletin board. If you get a second, please stop by and check it out. It’s important to know your rights when it comes to this program so you also know when it’s being used incorrectly. It’s also worth noting that these rules apply to all PRoCs (PRCs), there aren’t different rules for “good” and “bad” PRoCs. If you have any questions, please let your rep know. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll track it down.


Still looking for a couple people to teach IST…please let me know as soon as possible.

As always, let us know if you need help with anything,

Amy Sizemore
