Prior pay period recomputations include only required deductions listed below.
a. Retirement (CSRS and FERS)
b. Social Security (OASDI) Tax
c. Medicare Tax
d. Federal Income Tax
e. Basic Health Insurance Premium (FEHB)
f. Basic Life Insure (FEGLI)
g. State Income Tax
h. Local Income Tax
i. Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
(1) Basic Contributions
(2) Catch-up Contributions
j. Roth Savings Plan
(1) Basic Contributions
(2) Catch-up Contributions
Making Loan Payments After the Government Shutdown
Due to limitations of employing agency/service payroll systems, some payroll offices may not be able to deduct loan payments from back pay. If your loan payments haven’t been taken out of back pay, you should submit your loan payments directly to the TSP using the Loan Payment Coupon. You can always check the status of your loan by logging into My Account, selecting “TSP Loans,” and then selecting “Are my payments up to date?” Or you can call the ThriftLine at 1-877-968-3778 and speak to a Participant Service Representative.
Again, as I get more info, you will too. Thanks.