The wording below is exactly what I know. NATCA is currently in a battle with the Department of Interior (Pay) regarding this plan of action, but, this is what is happening UFN. If you have bills that are paid out via allotments, I would recommend either calling the entities that would normally receive that payment and formulate a plan or clarify expectation of payment. As of today, no one will get a breakdown/LES until PP3 (Feb 12). Why and how they developed this method of rolling out the back pay is something that has everyone scratching their collective heads and NATCA National is demanding answers. I wish I had better answers, but, I just don’t and am in the same situation as everyone else. Yet another example on the horrible effects of the shutdown. This matter is changing constantly and when I hear something, you’ll hear something.
“The FAA is working with the DOI to gather the most accurate information, but as a shutdown of this length has never happened before, the information continues to be updated and amended. Below is the most up-to-date information that NATCA has regarding how DOI will process the paychecks missed as a result of the shutdown.
DOI started generating PP01 on Jan 28 – off-cycle payment to hit on Wednesday (30 Jan) at the earliest.
This will be approximately 50% of gross pay (gross pay = standard 72 hours if employee worked on 12/23, otherwise standard 80 hours) vice 60% originally anticipated. DOI increased the amount from 50% to 60% to cover all possible deductions (taxes and benefits).
Deposits will be made to employee’s account on record.
Employees covered by F&E budget will receive approximately 50% of gross (gross pay = standard 56 hours)
DOI started generating PP02 on Jan 29. Similar to PP01, employees will receive approximately 50% of gross pay. (gross pay = standard 80 hours). Payment expected to hit on Thursday (Jan 31).
DOI will generate a third off-cycle payment on Wednesday (30 Jan) for catch-up payments. Payment expected to hit on Friday (Feb 01).
Anything not caught in first three passes will be caught up in PP03 (Feb 12).
Premium pays may be delayed until PP03 (Feb 12) or PP04 (Feb 26).
There will be no Leave and Earning Statements (LES) issued for the three off-cycle payments (PP01, PP02, PP03). Adjustment amounts will likely be noted as lump sums on the PP03 LES. These will be reflected as “advances” in the earning section, and “adjustments” in the deduction section.
Paycheck withholdings such as allotments and court orders will not be deducted in off-cycle checks. They will be the responsibility of the employee for PP01, PP02 and will restart with PP03.
Wages are based on when an employee is paid, not when the wages are earned. You will be paid in calendar year/tax year 2019 (as you would have were we not lapsed) and any back pay will be included in your 2019 taxable wages. You can access your 2018 W-2 in now.”