Facility Update

First thing’s first, thank you to everyone that helped us send Troy off into retirement with our gratitude and a small token of our appreciation in the form of a portable grill and utensils along with some Gas Cards so he can put some miles and memories on his RV.

For the first time in almost a decade we will have a new FacRep. I will try my best to build on all of the great accomplishments Troy was able to secure for us. At the same time, I assume this role knowing that I have a huge amount of learning to do and I hope that I can earn your support as we learn and grow together. As with my predecessor, the door will always be open (maybe minus the noisy fridge) and I hope that I get the chance to see all of you come thru it with an opportunity for this E Board to work for you. We are absolutely stronger together and I hope that everyone reads that and BELIEVES it. Thank you for your support and this opportunity. Please put us to work for you.


Alki BBQ

Our ZSE BBQ will be this Friday at Alki Park (1702 Alki Ave SW, Seattle, WA) from 10 AM – 10 PM. We’ll be providing food and non-alcoholic beverages, gift bags for kids, raffle tickets for prizes throughout, and even a S’More station. I hope to see you all there.


National Elections

Finally, we are 27 days from the conclusion of our NATCA National elections. Currently I have been tasked with ensuring everyone is able to and does vote. I’ll attach a page with FAQ info regarding the digital vote but here is the minimum contact info:

Global Election Services (GES) Contact Information

VOTING PORTAL: https://ges.voting

HELP DESK: 1-800-864-1263 or helpdesk@voteges.com


One of the most consistent things I’m hearing from our local is that they don’t plan to vote because they don’t know enough about the candidates. Here are the links to our candidates:


Vote for the Future - Rinaldi and Gilbert


Brothers and sisters, We are deeply honored to represent the NATCA membership in our current positions, the offices of NATCA President and Executive Vice President.



Zilonis President Natca Election 2018 | Zilonis2018


Bryan Zilonis, currently Great Lakes Regional Vice President, is running for National President of NATCA. www.zilonis2018.com


Dave Riley for NATCA EVP

NOMINATION ACCEPTED! NATCA Brothers & Sisters, It’s time for a choice. My name is Dave Riley from Denver Tower and I am honored to announce that I have accepted the nomination for NATCA Executive Vice President.


Please take the time to know who might hold the keys to your profession. They will determine the future of our careers and I implore each of you to at least take a very quick moment to read up and use your vote. If you do decide to vote, please text me at 206.406.0194 with your name and “I voted” so I can annotate. If you’re not sure if you did that already, please feel free to tell me again. We have too much vested in the direction of NATCA to NOT determine who will take us there.

Thank you for your time and support.

Alex Navarro III, NATCA ZSE FacRep
