Our NATCA National Elections are underway and here a few items of note. All electronic ballots have been processed as sent. However, it's not too late to register online and vote if you have not recently changed regions. As of yesterday, here are the stats for the NNM: 80/1276 or 6.3% participation. We are manually keeping track as best we can and would appreciate if you could let anyone on your E board know when you vote or if you have not been able to. You can even text me (2064060194 with your name and "I Voted" if that's easier for you. Please use your voice and if you need any information on the candidates, please refer to Troy's email, read up, and vote. Below are some of the issues that have come up so far:
Lessons learned so far with the electronic voting service:
• All ballots have been e-mailed. If you don’t have one at this point
• Some members were still receiving their ballots as late as 11 pm Tuesday
• check spam and other email accounts.
• If you have trouble using a cell phone to vote: use a desktop or laptop instead
• Be careful on phones or computer that if it Auto-capitalizes your email address then it isn't recognized.
• Make sure email addresses are lower case. GES is case sensitive.
• If you're still having issues contact: GES Contact Info -Global Election Services Helpline 1-800-864-1263 or email helpdesk@voteges.com
If a member wants a mail ballot package, he or she should contact Global Election Services to request a duplicate ballot prior to the deadline.
MEMBERS MAY STILL REGISTER TO VOTE ELECTRONICALLY, as long as there was no change to Region, the member can simply register to vote electronically by visiting http://ges.voting and entering the required information. He or she should then receive a confirmation email with a voting code (there may be two separate emails) but then he or she can just cast the ballot electronically. Usually takes 24 hours
Wednesday, June 27, 2018 to and including Monday, July 30, 2018
Alex Navarro III, ZSE VP