A couple quick info items for your consumption:
Bidding is progressing pretty well. We have seen TMU complete their bid. A and D area are the next closest to completing the bid. Please keep in mind that we have until the first week of December to complete the bid or we will start to lose parts of Jan.
NATCA National is looking to send 2019 wall calendars to anyone who wants one. If you would like one, please let me know with your name via text (206.406.0194) or Slack and I’ll put an order in for you. I have until Nov 26 to get the order in.
For any that are working on Thanksgiving, we will be doing a potluck and still have plenty of room for contributions. Please consider helping with the smorgasbord by signing up on the list posted in the B-Area.
The final Local meeting of 2018 will be on Monday Dec 10th @ 3pm. Once again it will be held at the Rainbow Cafe. Agenda items will be:
NATCA Classes for 2019. Who wants to do what?
Break Room Remodel Pitch
Local Solidarity Meeting Pitch
Local Alcohol Policy
Finally, I’d like to take a moment to thank our E board. They are truly the most dedicated and hard working bunch I have had the privilege to work with. Rest assured they are working very hard at all times. That being said, we still need the constant input of the local. We cannot serve you all effectively if we don’t hear the murmurs and water cooler talk. I can’t promise that we will implement every suggestion but I can promise that we will give thought and consideration to all of them. Please continue to hold us accountable and please take a moment to thank your Reps when you see them.
-Alex Navarro III