Before we get into credit hours, we are looking for 4 to 6 members to be Cadre's for another round of IST.  Cadre class will be the second week of September for 1 1/2 days.  Please let me or a rep know if you are interested.  


You can find Credit hours under Article 34, section 6 of the new CBA.

Beginning July 24th, bargaining unit employees will be able to earn credit hours for the first time in almost 8 years.  So here is a little refresher to what that looks like.

* You may earn up to 24 credit hours.  Anything over 24 hours at the end of the pay period, you'll lose.

*  You may request to work credit hours in increment of 15 minutes.

*  There is no premium pay associated with credit hours, IE Sunday/night diff/holiday pay.

* You cannot substitute bid leave with credit hours.  You may substitute SF71 or spot annual with credit hours.

*  Management may solicit employees to work credit hours on an equitable basis.

*  Employees may request to work credit hours to provide coverage for another employee that is requesting leave.  All leave requests must be honored in order of received however.  What this means is that if you are #3 for leave, and get someone to work credit hours for you to get the day off, you must go through the #1 & #2 requests first.

Credit hours will be a great tool for us since it offers flexibility in getting people the leave that they might to have been able to get.  

