Art. 5 volunteer
We need an Article 5 volunteer to instruct a D-side class between Oct. 21 and Dec. 6. Please let me know ASAP if you are interested.
VYR handoffs
I’ve been working on getting our Canadian friends to hand off airplanes sooner – and to call if we haven’t accepted the handoff by the boundary.
In situations like this, I am loath to involve management. I strongly prefer we try to work it out controller-to-controller. I was able to have one of our co-workers reach out to them the other day and communicate our requests about the handoffs.
In that conversation, the Canadian controllers said they’ll try to do better. They said they feel like they have a great working relationship with us, and they want that to continue. (I feel the same way about them – I feel like we’ve had a great relationship over the years.) They have been pummeled staffing-wise the last few years. In their Eastern complex, for example, they bid about 30 controllers a few years ago … and only bid like 16 last year. Resultantly, I think that when it comes to South and Princeton, those sectors are always combined and the controller is getting consistently annihilated, which is why they’re so slow to initiate handoffs to us or call about them.
I just worked a session on 3/12, and it seemed like the message got through. They were handing airplanes off to me way earlier than before and shipping them a lot sooner.
That being said, please advise me if you continue to notice problems with the handoffs and I’ll take further action, as needed.
Congrats to Aaron McMorran for becoming certified in the A area! I feel incredibly lucky and thankful that we have him with us.
And congrats to Zach Rush for getting on 1/31!
In solidarity
Dan Rasmussen