Happy Fourth of July, everyone!! If you’re working today, please enjoy some BBQ compliments of the employee association. All of the food has been laid out in the B area.

I have some updates:

Art. 5 volunteer

Our next Art. 5 volunteer opportunity to teach in the TTL will be a D-side lab between Aug. 19 and Oct. 10.

If you are interested in volunteering, please let me know ASAP.

PD to FL240 (not 260)

Next week, a 90-day trial will commence in which the C area will have the option to give PD to FL240 instead of issuing a crossing restriction during periods of metering, provided the aircraft doesn’t have a delay and they aren’t sequencing it with other METERED airplanes.

I have received quite a bit of feedback on this procedure already, which I appreciate. For a long time, I have hated how we unnecessarily push airplanes down to FL260 when they don’t have a delay and don’t have other airplanes near them. That is why I agreed to the trial.

One significant note: The trial was slated to have the C area give PD to 260. However, after receiving some really good feedback, I had them change it to 240 so that we have the non-verbal means of knowing what we expect the airplane to be doing.

Please let me know if you encounter issues with this new procedure.

OM training rep

Dearest Mike Ollerman has replaced Kevin Thomson as our area training rep. He’s still getting up to speed, but I’m very excited to have him in this role.

YVR reroutes

YVR Centre requested and ZSE approved them to reroute some planes into our airspace over the coming weekend (Friday to Monday) due to their staffing.

While this was a disaster when it first rolled out last year, it seemed like it became less of an issue over the course of the year (once they started to move about half of the planes they were originally moving).

That being said, please look out for yourself and others and ask the supe or CIC if you need anything.

(Please note that the irony of us doing this for them given our absurd staffing isn’t lost on me.)


Congrats to Zoe Martin on getting certified on D1/31!

In solidarity,

Dan Rasmussen

