Thanks for everybody’s assistance in getting us through a large portion of the BWS bidding today.

We will be turning on Round 1 of annual-leave bidding in the morning. In Round 1, you get to bid up to 10 days in two different blocks of time, as usual, and we get three slots per day, except four slots on July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Following Round 1, we will sit down with the agency and negotiate the reallocation of slots before we commence Round 2.

We anticipate management advocating strongly for lowering our summer slots from 3 to 2. Additionally, we anticipate them advocating strongly to lower slots from 3 to 1 for the six weeks of the year in which we’ll be doing classroom training. One of those weeks is area refresher; four weeks are IST; and the last week is for a new training the FAA plans to administer – Operational Contingency Planning (I wish I was making that up.)

Accordingly, if you plan to bid leave during those dates and it’s the most important thing to you, I strongly suggest bidding them in Round 1 when there are three slots available for each day. After that time, it’s highly likely that there will only be slot per day and that it will be much more difficult to bid them off.

Here are the dates for each of those weeks:

Area refresher: March 24-28

IST: May 4-17, Nov. 30-Dec.13

OCP: Nov. 17-21

In solidarity,

Dan Rasmussen

