Dearest A area,
CPC bidding update
Annual-leave bidding for CPCs is complete. Thanks so much to Damien, Derek, and you all for helping us to once again get through five rounds of bidding so quickly.
As you hopefully saw in an email from Drew over the weekend, the OT MOU has been signed. Briefings to cover the MOU are taking place throughout the week.
Damien and I will be speaking with each of you on a person-by-person basis over the course of the week to record your bid. We have a main copy that we’re entering the bids on, and there are two other copies for you to review. When you bid, you’ll let us know if you want to be on the yes-list or no-list, and separately, whether you want to be available or limited. Depending on where you fall seniority-wise on your crew, you’ll also be able to pick which rotating week that you’ll have off. (If you’re at the bottom of your crew seniority-wise, you get whichever set of dates that is left.)
As this is a completely new process, please don’t hesitate to let me or Damien know what questions you have.
Bid book opening
Now that our CPC bidding is complete, it’s time to open up the bid book for spot-leave requests. CPCs can begin making spot-leave requests for the 2025 bid year (Jan. 12, 2025-Jan. 3, 2026) starting at 10 p.m. PST on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024.
Any spot-leave requests made before that time will be deleted.
Trainee bidding update
We have been plodding through the trainee bidding process so far. I would’ve hoped for us to be further along at this point than we currently are. When you’re up to bid and get notified, please bid as quickly as possible so that we can move things along faster.
The first pay period with the 2025 bidding schedule will be published the week of Dec. 8. This means that you have until Sunday, Dec. 8 to bid time off for the first pay period of the new bid year (Jan. 11-Jan. 24). If you want to bid dates off during that pay period, you need to bid it before Dec. 8. At that point in time, those dates will be taken off bidATC.
If you want time off during that pay period but don’t want to bid it, you can submit spot-leave requests for PP3 on Dec. 8. Once we have completed bidding, you’ll be able to put spot-leave requests in for any date on the calendar.
As far as the OT MOU goes, trainees each have one designated slot for limited or available, depending on whether you’re an R-side or a D-side. The only exception to this are the T-F R-sides and the S-M R-sides. Because there are two R-sides on those two sets of days off, the senior person gets to pick one slot, and the other person gets the other designated slot. (As I am rereading this, I anticipate you all having questions about this process. Please reach out to me if you do, and I’ll answer them.)
In solidarity,
Dan Rasmussen