Hello, everyone.
Art. 5 volunteers
Because of how many trainees we have (and thank God we have them), we’ll need instructors in the lab for most of the year. I have previously solicited for Art. 5 volunteers for three upcoming classes, and the agency is requesting volunteers for two more classes it has on the books:
• A D-side lab April 15-June 21
• An R-side lab June 24-Aug. 2
Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering for either of these.
Jessi is certified
Congrats to Jessi for getting certified and becoming our latest CPC!! Let’s fucking go.
DISCO at 100
I had a conversation recently with a YYJ approach controller about us giving airplanes the crossing restriction of DISCO at 100. I’ve seen some of our controllers issuing that to airplanes from the east so that they can duck below departing YVR traffic. If YYJ is landing Runway 9, that restriction works pretty well — for us and for them. However, if YYJ is landing 27, assigning DISCO at 100 has led to some instances of planes being too high.
The airplanes want to get down on the short leg and, if we ship them promptly to YYJ, will usually be lower than 100 by the time they get to DISCO. However, if we assign them DISCO at 100 and the pilots program it in, they end up being higher than YYJ wants them to be.
My takeaway: If it’s Runway 27 and an airplane is inbound from the east, I would anticipate them wanting to get down on their own and not needing to assign a crossing restriction — and then take action if needed to resolve any traffic situations.
I hope to sit with the rep at S46 in the new future to review our procedures. I feel like our operation works pretty well overall, but there are a few things I want to tweak in our LOA. If you have suggestions of things you’d like to see changed, please let me or sweet Matt Coughlin know what they are.
A Area reps remain the same
With the 2024 year upon us, our local E-board has been updated. However, all of our A area people remain the same:
Rep: Dan
Alternate: Derek Adams
Scheduling: Damien
Airspace/procedures: Matt Coughlin
Training: Kevin Thomson
Pro standards: M’Lynda
LSC: Kelly and Kevin Thomson
I really appreciate — and feel thankful to — each of these people for all that they do for our area and facility.
In solidarity,
Dan Rasmussen