Article 5 solicitation

We need an Article 5 volunteer to train an R-side student in the lab between April 11-May 27. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible.

A couple of things to note: This lab has been shifted because of COVID, and the dates are subject to revision. However, with COVID cases currently falling, my best guess — for whatever that’s worth — is that the lab will happen during that period of time. If you pull out your calendar, you’ll see that the first week of the lab is slated to be during spring break. If this is a dealbreaker and you’d otherwise be interested, please let me know.

Published OT notification

Our local MOU on OT states:

“All overtime shall be assigned/cancelled using one of the following methods: in person, in writing, via telephone conversation, or CEDAR.”

When new schedules are published, management has accomplished this requirement by creating an MOU and placing it in each of our mail boxes.

Considering the ridiculous amount of OT assignments that we have in the area, this has become a colossal waste of ink and paper. Going forward, I advised management that it’s acceptable for them to place a copy of the published OT list by the headset cabinet in lieu of printing off individual copies.

They should still advise you of non-published OT assignments as they previously have — i.e., via any of the methods mentioned above.

In solidarity,

Dan Rasmussen

