IST volunteers

I need two volunteers from our area to teach the upcoming IST class. The two-day cadre class will be Dec. 7-8 or Dec. 9-10 (you get to choose which one you want to attend), and the actual IST class will happen Feb. 6-19. Please let me know as soon as possible if you’re interested.

D-side training

After an almost month-long delay, D-side training resumed yesterday.

TR-2 scopes

The first new scope in the area will be installed tonight on Sector 81, followed by Sector 3 on Sept. 28. If you run into any issues with the new scopes — i.e., you notice any incorrect information on the horse collars — please let me know.

MO-ment of achievement

Congratulations to Mike Morrow for becoming the A Area’s newest CPC! Mike got certified on 3/12 yesterday to complete the training process.


As you have almost certainly heard, Derek Adams recently stepped down as our facility rep. I want to publicly thank him for everything he’s done for our area and facility. I wasn’t involved in the union last year at the height of COVID, but I know that he put in an absurd amount of work for all of us. He’s been a rock in the A Area since I’ve been in it, and has earned a well-earned break from union duties.

In solidarity,

Dan Rasmussen

