AWS requests
With Round 1 of bidding for CPCs finished, the window to complete requests for alternate-work schedules — the so-called “dream sheets” — is now open. Forms to make your requests have been placed on the table in the area that’s next to the aisle. If these run out, please let me know and I’ll make additional copies. You have until Sunday, Oct. 31 at 12 p.m. — aka High Noon — to return these requests to me. You can place them in my mailbox or scan and email them to me at
The more submissions that we receive, the more likely it is that they’ll be able to be accommodated (i.e., if someone with a day shift requests a 7-hour day, and someone separately requests a 9-hour day, we can argue to management that the two requests balance the schedule for that day). Accordingly, if having an AWS is something you’re interested in, please fill out a sheet so you can potentially help yourself and someone else.
If you want to swap a particular shift with another person and they agree to swap the shift, have both parties put a star by that shift and note somewhere on the form who you’re requesting to swap with.
In terms of writing 7- and 9-hour requests on the sheet, make sure that you put the time of the shift first, then AWS, then the number of hours. For example, if you want a seven-hour day on Friday that begins at 8 a.m., put 8AWS7.
Damien and I will meet with Todd and Russ on Tuesday, Nov. 2 to review the requests.
If you have any questions about AWS, please let me or Damien know.
In solidarity,
Dan Rasmussen