Hello all,
NATCA and management have agreed upon a dynamic scheduling plan throughout the NAS in order to minimize risk and exposure to the workforce. We have been tasked with implementing this change by Sunday, March 29th. I will give you some of the details now and expect to hear more from Derek and/or Amy in the next day or so.
The area is going to be split into three teams. One team will have ten and the others will have eleven. The shifts will be broken up into straight days, straight swings, and straight mids. You will work five shifts in a row and then you will have ten days off. You will then rotate to a swing if you were on days during the previous five workdays or vice-versa. I have already worked out volunteers that will permanently be on mids so those shifts will not rotate.
Day shifts are defined as 0600-1400
Swing shifts are defined as 1400-2200
Mids are defined as 2200-0600.
These shifts will all be no-flex.
There are seven 10-minute OT assignments given for a few controllers to come in, do their WX/CEDAR, and have time to relieve the previous crew. Two for the day, three for the swing, and two for the mid. These OTs will be given based on the OT list.
If someone calls in sick, there will be no overtime called in. Methods will have to be put in place to manage the workload between the remaining crew.
On days you are not assigned to work, you will be on EA and not be recallable unless there is an emergency.
Shift swaps are only going to be approved if it is before your work week has started and it has to be for the whole week. They will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and will only be approved if the reduction of cross-contamination can be maintained.
Any assigned OT you have beyond March 28th is cancelled.
Any credit shifts you have assigned are cancelled
Any bid leave you have is still going to be honored so if you don’t want that leave used, please turn it in.
The schedule is mostly complete, I just need to get approval from Derek and management.
That is all I have for now. I will try to update you more as I get more information. This situation is not ideal, however; this is an extraordinary circumstance that calls for everyone to change their lives in order to slow the spread of the virus. It is going to be a tough task but I think it will be effective, and I know that we can all make this work.
Please reach out to me, Matt, or anyone on the Eboard if you have any questions.
In Solidarity,
Jared Zimmerman