Hello Everyone,
I wanted to write this update to address some of the current issues affecting the area.
Horizon has been notified about the incorrect routing of their DH8Ds going to RDM. They have promised to fix it three times since October and we are still seeing it. I am going to continue to call them on this and I ask that you please let me know if you are still seeing this happen.
I have heard of several issues regarding the new NUW LOA routing in and out of the OLYMPIC airspace. I would like to take a moment to explain why it was done and what the problems are that I am going to address.
NUW has been getting legal pressure from several environmental groups regarding the impact they are having on the Olympic National Forest. This routing was the result of their request to come up with a way to help alleviate the concern of those groups.
Some of the concerns I have received regarding the new routing is that it does not provide for adequate separation from two formation flights and that the fighters have not made the turn sharply enough at HUTUK causing point outs and increased workload with Victoria.
I have been working with airspace on how we can improve upon this new routing and will hopefully be getting this corrected within the next few weeks. Please note that YETII..KNUW is still approved routing and can be used if deemed appropriate. I welcome any feedback or ideas you may have to help accomplish this.
Trainees have been assigned to each of the crews and the minimum required training per day is 2 hours. I understand there may be times where the minimum is difficult to meet, but it is important that we try to do so. Management is constantly looking for supporting arguments to go back to BWS prematurely, and the inability to meet training minimums will surely be an argument they would use.
Also, I would like to welcome Kevin Brothers to our Area. He is a transferring CPC from N90 that formerly worked in the B Area here at ZSE.
The dream line sheets have been worked through and we were able to accommodate some of them. The 2021 BWS schedule reflecting those changes has been posted in the area by the headset bins.
The determination as to when exactly we can expect to return to BWS is still up in the air. There have been some discussions about allowing each area to individually determine when they go back, but that is something that still needs to be negotiated at a facility level. Currently, I don’t see a need to go back to five-on / two-off, but that could change if we are unable to train or if traffic demand increases to a level that we cannot sustain with our current staffing. Again, I welcome any feedback either in support or opposition to returning to BWS, especially from those of you whom I rarely see.
That is all I have for now. Please remember to wear your mask, look out for each other, and stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Jared Zimmerman
(801) 635-9184