Hello all,

Last week I attended a meeting with a few individuals from Seattle TRACON.  Amongst other things, we discussed issues with speed coordination on departures.  There have been some ideas to improve the entire process and I have been working with Eric Tandberg on addressing some changes that will improve the safety and efficiency of the existing procedures.  I will have more information as to what that might look like as we work through the process.

Thank you to those who volunteered to be the SME for TR2.  As you heard from Amy, this has been suspended indefinitely due to issues identified by the key sites.  I will let you all know when I have more information regarding TR2.

The facility is looking for 2 volunteers to teach the entire 2 weeks of the next round of IST.  The cadre class will be April 7th and 8th, or April 9th and 10th.  The class will be taught during the weeks of April 26th and May 3rd. If you are interested, please let me or anyone from the eboard know.

The new NUW LOA will be rolled out next week.  The intent of the new letter was to bring the LOA more in line with the 7110.65, and to streamline the process by forcing Whidbey to be accountable for their mission control.  We are no longer in the business of policing what they do within the SUA.  As with any change, there may be some growing pains.  If you start to notice trends that that impact us negatively, please let me know so I can address them with Whidbey command.

Representatives from ZVR will be coming to ZSE next Thursday to talk about some things that they would like to have happen in the future.  I will be there to represent our area.  If there are any concerns that you would like me to address with them, please let me know.

Lastly, during the last membership meeting, it was voted that each area rep may nominate an alternate area rep to be approved by the eboard.  I have nominated Matt Beckman as the alternate for our area and he has been approved. I chose Matt because of our positive working relationship and his interest in becoming involved in NATCA.  There is also a need to have representation on the side of the watch opposite me.  Please feel free to communicate any concerns to MM in my absence and we will work together on addressing the issue.

In Solidarity,

Jared Zimmerman
