We made it through another summer of traffic. After this weekend will see traffic drop off and then continue to slow until Thanksgiving. We will be transitioning to spring/fall guides and into winter guides by the end of October. Saturday swing guides were negotiated back to 8 for the remainder of the year. Unfortunately with my leave in conjunction with Kevin Nolan’s leave and Damien’s leave, it was never passed down the appropriate channels in time for the publication of pay period 20. While the guides say 7 they are actually at 8 and management is rectifying the 1 shift under guides.
I’d like to congratulate Jared Zimmerman as the next Area Rep. Jared and I will be working together over the next couple weeks to ensure a smooth transition before my departure at the end of October.
Please remember to vote for our FacRep/President. Ballots must be returned by September 15. If you have not received a ballot by August 30th please see any E-board member or Election Committee Members (Angie McMahon, Laura Ryals, Mike Sellman, Dani Eliel).
We are still soliciting an Article 5 to the training department for stage 3 training. The dates of this detail are October 28-December 13. A volunteer is needed by September 7. Please let me know if you are interested in this detail.
A new initiative has come down from the region regarding trainees spot leave. For our trainees, Spot leave is leave requested after the schedule is published. The initiative states that a trainee must get their minimum required training hours in for the week before they can take spot leave. I am unsure of the exact hours but they are around 15 and vary between d-side and r-side trainee. The region calculates the week as Sunday through Saturday. If your leave request is denied please let me know as soon as possible or contact Derek or Amy.