Last notice for the Article 5 detail to the training department from September 10- October 19. Please let me know by Friday, July 13 if you are interested.
After a meeting last week in regards to the Molson South airspace, it has been determined that more data is still needed. We will continue to collect data through the end of August. Please place strips in my headset box and date them. Strips without a date will be thrown away.
Requests have been made to rotate the overhead maps so we don’t have 2 of the same map types next to each other at the positions. With this request I would like to have the MIA and Airway maps at sector 32, 01, and 03 swapped. If there are any objections to this please let me know as it is a change in working conditions.
Please take a minute to vote in our National NATCA election. You can vote online or by mail. Please let me know if you have voted. Our local is just trying to track participation and we do not need to know who you voted for.