TS has accepted a FLM position.  He will be leaving the area in February.  As a result we will waterfall line 42.  KZ will be included in the bid.  The bid will close on Saturday, January 27.  The bid winner will be moved to the line on pay period 8 starting March 18.

JR has volunteered to work the midnight shifts until the line is bid.


SUN                       MON                     TUE                        WED                      THU                       FRI                          SAT

0600                       2300                        X                             X                          1600                     1330NF                 0800



The Sunday night guide is increasing from 5 to 6 after 9:30 pm.  Shift adjustments will be made until we are able to add another line to cover Sunday nights.


As a reminder, requests for shifts changes and RDO changes can not be made more than 27 days from the 1st day of the pay period in which the changes are being requested.  Requests made prior to the 27 day timeframe will be deleted.  In the case of a forced adjustment, the automatic request to return to your bid shift is not subject to removal.  Requests for leave or shift swaps can still be made when the schedule is published.  Below are the days in which shifts changes can be requested through PP10.


PP06 – JAN22

PP07 – FEB05

PP08 – FEB19

PP09 – MAR05

PP10 – MAR10


Brooke Dawson         440.227.5591
