Sisters and Brothers,

1.       Schedule:

a.       EC won the Crew 3 CWS line bid.

b.      EC’s Crew 3 Mid Line is up for bid now.

                                Crew 3 Mid Line:

SUN       MON       TUES      WED      THUR     FRI     SAT

00NF      RDO       RDO     15       1330NF    08     06

c.       Credit Hours: Credit Hours must be approved by management or a CIC. When earning credit hours at the beginning of your shift, flex time is not intended to increase the length of your shift. For example if you have a 1600 shift and Credit Hours are approved and you flex in at 1430, then the end of your shift is 2330.

d.      Reminder, when overtime is assigned you will automatically have a request for your RDO published on the schedule. If you do not want the request, cancel it as soon as you can.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066

In Solidarity,

Paul Skorniakoff
