Sisters and Brothers,

1.       Schedule:

a.       QX is bidding us farewell and his line is up for bid. We wish him all the best!!!

b.      Crew 1 mid line is available to bid:

SUN    MON    TUES    WED    THUR    FRI    SAT

RDO     16     1330NF   08        06       23    RDO


c.       Reminder, when overtime is assigned you will automatically have a request for your RDO published on the schedule. If you do not want the request cancel it as soon as you can.

2.       Airspace and Procedures:

a.       S46 LOA: The ATOME 1 RNAV SID will be in effect on June 22nd. The new SID is designed for noise abatement and will only be used after 2200L in a north flow. Sleepy time procedures will be removed from the LOA. The SID has restrictions published and aircraft will check on with a climb via clearance. When aircraft check on frequency with a climb via clearance they are not required to say their assigned altitude, as long as they are climbing to the top altitude of the SID. Also, be aware if you assign a climb and maintain clearance you are removing all of the published crossing restrictions.

b.      Route Channelization: A and B Area procedure changes. We are adding additional transfer of control between our area and the B Area high altitude sectors. Also, aircraft on the OLM STAR and the HAWKZ STAR may be on parallel/adjacent courses without coordination.

c.       Volunteer: Last call for volunteers to be on the Sector 04 Collaborative Work Group; let me know if you’re interested by June 8th.

3.       Training:

a.       RD and SD are now on the floor. They are training on Sectors 02 and 32.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066

In Solidarity,

Paul Skorniakoff
