Sisters and Brothers,

1.       Schedule:

A.      Guidelines

a.       Beginning immediately our Monday through Friday swing shifts guidelines have changed. We now have seasonal guidelines for the Monday through Friday swing shifts. January-May and September-December the guideline is now 9, June-August the guideline is 10. 

b.      Saturday and Sunday have not changed. Monday through Friday day shifts have not changed.

B.      Developmentals and CPCiTs;

a.       R-side trainees will be scheduled proficiency days. The proficiency day will not always be the same day each week. The scheduler will assign proficiency days strategically, for coverage and to optimize training opportunities.

C.      Schedule Bid:

a.        We are bidding a schedule with 33 lines; 3 10hr lines (CWS/Maxi-Flex), 1 Fully Charged (fatigue mitigation) mid line per crew is available/guaranteed to choose by seniority, 1 third swing line on Crew 1.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066

In Solidarity,

Paul Skorniakoff
