Sisters and Brothers,

The Vacation Bid is in round 6! I’ll keep the bid going until everyone passes. The bid binder will remain open all year. If anyone decides they would like to bid more vacation after everyone passes they will have to notify me. At that point I will essentially start another round of bidding.

The CPC-IT/Developmental Schedule Bid is complete and the Vacation Bid is in round 3. The same as above goes for the CPC-IT/Developmental Vacation bid. Bidding until everyone passes and then if anyone wants to bid more vacation we’ll start a new round.

The Recurring Shift Swap Request forms were due by February 5th. I won’t be back to work until the 8th so that will be deadline for our area. If that is problem for anyone, please let me know and we can work something out. Return the form to the black NATCA box next to the mail slots. After the shift swaps are completed we’ll take AWS requests.

The Area Manager has informed me that the facility is being scrutinized on several fronts. Operationally calling weather is a huge issue. I’m sure we do a good job calling weather just remember this is an emphasis item. Time on Position (TOP) is also a big issue, especially with all the overtime being assigned. I realize this isn’t necessarily our problem but be aware when you are asked to staff a slow position they’re trying to keep our TOP up. CEDAR and ELMS are on the list of issues that are being watched too. CEDAR is our responsibility to accomplish every day. ELMS is management’s responsibility to assign. I’ve been informed that enough people are not reading the CEDAR that it’s a problem. Read the CEDAR it’s our responsibility!

S46-SEATAC: We are in the process of renegotiating the S46 LOA. The TRACON initiated the negotiations. They have a few issues that they need help with. The biggest thing they need help with is the HAWKZ arrival in a north flow. They need to talk to the arrivals ASAP. If we could make an extra effort to ship them earlier it would help them out. They have asked us to include language in the LOA that say’s we’ll transfer communication at least five mile from the S46 boundary. The long term fix is to redesign the north flow portion of the arrival. Another item they wanted to include in the LOA is to keep the DH8D in the jet flow to the extent possible. I'm pretty sure we already do this.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066.

In Solidarity,

Paul Skorniakoff

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