Sisters and Brothers,


Now that the schedule bid is complete, it’s time to make shift swap and AWS requests. The deadline for making requests is December 2nd. The forms are available in the area. Please use the same form for shift swap and AWS requests.


The schedule was built with very little flexibility to change bid lines. The Guideline/Ancillary shift MOU gives us very little flexibility to change our bid lines. The Guideline MOU states the schedule will be published to minimums in the mornings and evenings. The schedule was designed to accommodate the MOU. The most likely scenario to have a shift swap approved is to have two people with requests that line up, one person wants to swap from a 15 to a 16 and some else wants to go from a 16 to 15. The most likely way to have an AWS request approved is add and delete hours in the middle of the day. For example, if you want to make your 1500 shift a 9 hour day request a 9 hour 1400 shift. Also, if you want make your 0700 shift a 7 hour day request a 7 hour 0700 shift. I hope that makes sense and helps.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066


In Solidarity,


Paul Skorniakoff
