Brothers and Sisters,

There are two agreements that affect how CIC assignments are distributed. The new CBA and a new local MOU. Please follow the rules outlined below when working or being assigned to work the CIC position.


Article 18, section 8; Procedures for the equitable distribution of CIC duties;

a.       The agency shall maintain a roster of qualified CIC bargaining unit employees for each area.

b.      Upon request the agency shall provide the Union a copy of the current CIC roster.

c.       CIC rosters shall be updated on a daily basis. CIC duties shall be tracked in hour and minute increments.

d.      Whenever practical, assignment of CIC duties shall be made to the BUE with lowest cumulative time. All ties shall be resolved by seniority.

e.      Once annually, the Parties shall jointly develop the process to be used when a CIC is required for a full shift.

f.        Effective the first full pay period in January, CIC balances shall be set to zero.

g.       CICs added to the roster shall have their cumulative time set to one minute more than the highest total on the roster for their area.


When full shifts of CIC duties are required, the expectation for the CIC is to maintain shift continuity and integrity. Frequent rotation through the CIC position impact operation awareness and is therefore undesirable. When full shift CIC assignment is required, in addition to the lowest cumulative time, qualification and experience may be considered as a condition of assignment, and consultation with the Union will occur accordingly.

Effective October 10, 2016 CIC time will be tracked by using the Currency Dashboard Automated Tool located in CEDAR for the purpose of the equitable distribution of assignment to the CIC position. For the remainder of 2016, the cumulative CIC time from the beginning of the year will be utilized in the assignment of CIC duties as outlined in Article 18, Section 8 of the CBA.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066

In Solidarity,

Paul Skorniakoff
