Sisters and Brothers,
The Schedule has been bid and the Vacation bid is into round 3. Progress has been amazing! We’ll keep the bid going until everyone bids all of their accrued leave or everyone with accrued leave passes. Now that leave slots are filling up we have to be careful about the 5 consecutive days or less per round rule. 5 consecutive days may go around your RDO’s but not through a day that is not available.
The CPC-IT/Developmental Schedule and Vacation bid will begin tomorrow. We have 11 CPC-IT/Developmentals that are bidding, 5 R-sides and 6 D-sides. We are bidding 1 R-side per crew and 1 D-side per crew by seniority. Crew 5 will not have a D-side trainee and 2 crews will not have R-side trainees. The bid will determine which crews do not have R-side training.
CPC-IT/Developmentals will have 1 vacation leave slot per day available. All of the rules for bidding are the same as the CPC bid;
Round 1 - Prime Time, Up to two weeks of leave, consecutive or non-consecutive
Round 2 - Non Prime Time, Up to 5 consecutive days
Round 3 - NPT, Up to 5 consecutive days
Round 4 - NPT, Up to 5 consecutive days
Round 5 – NPT, Up to 5 consecutive days
This process will continue until:
1) all leave slots are gone or
2) all accrued leave has been bid.
AWS implementation or how to request an AWS schedule has not been negotiated. The BWS MOU has the nitty gritty rules for the AWS but not the procedures to request an AWS schedule. We should have the procedures complete by next week.
If you have any questions, please come find me, email at, or call/text me at 253-332-2066.
In Solidarity,
Paul Skorniakoff