There is a hot sheet out that goes over our new military airspace procedures for NUW airspace (excluding Boardman). This will be quite a bit different from how we do business now but it should simplify the MC position as well as eliminate a lot of calls throughout the day. With all changes there will be some growing pains. Please be patient with the changes and give us feedback if something isn’t working or if you have ideas on how to improve anything.
Next week we will attend briefings on the new LOAs with NUW. Some of the new items will be Downrigger (the MRU) procedures, no longer dealing with MARSA or event numbers, and a change to the airspace on the east side. It is important that we all make this briefing so if there is no STMC, please try your best to make sure we are getting people out to go.
Lastly, I would like to develop training checklists for the various positions. We are going to be having more trainees soon and I think this would be beneficial for the trainees and the OJTIs. We are going to have clipboards on flow and military so that we can all work together on this project. If you think of something that should be on the checklist, please jot it down on the appropriate clipboard. I’m hoping that getting everyone involved, we will have a better list of things we feel trainees should learn before they are signed off. I will leave them out for a few weeks and then compile them into checklists. I really appreciate everyone’s help with this.
Thank you again for all you guys do. Please as always, let me know if you have any ideas or concerns.