First off, I know I briefed several of you in person but I just wanted to get this out to everyone.  Randy and I met at S46 on Tuesday to go over some wake mitigation ideas between heavies going into SEA with an a/c on final for BFI.  They are having issues with mitigating the wake turbulence in a south flow only and asked for our help.  On a trial basis, S46 TMU has been setup with a timeline to show BFI traffic with SEA jets.  We all know that a little math will be involved on their part since the threshold times don't match up.  Basically what they need is in a south flow only, when they recognize that there will be a SEA heavy tied up with a BFI a/c on final, S46 TMU will reach out to us to have the BFI a/c delayed a few minutes to fall further behind the heavy to keep them out of the wake.  There have been a few concerns with our involvement with this, but please understand that first off, this is just a trial to see if this will help.  Second, I was very clear and reiterated to all parties involved that we will not be the ones to initiate this call.  We will only receive the delay request and pass it along.  If this trial works out and this continues, we may look at just having the S46 TMC call the A area and coordinate the delay, leaving us out of the picture.  Again, we are just trying this out for now to see if this even works.  Please give me feedback how its going.  

Also, I will be on vacation starting May 5th and will be unreachable until May 11th.  James will be filling in for me while I'm gone.
