The TFMS deployment team is looking for some feedback for the TFMS roadshow when they came out to train us on ABRR and PDRR. If you are interested in giving your feedback, the contact information is below. Thank you.
~ Sherri
Good morning/afternoon
We are following up with everyone who participated in the TFMS Roadshows. If you (or others who participated) have an opinion on how the Roadshows went and what can be improved, now is the time! It’s also an opportunity to share your opinions on other tools that you use. The Technical Center is conducting a study on Decision Support Tools – how to design them, train them, etc. We thought this was an important effort given how many Decision Support Tools are used in TMU, and that this would be a good way to also get your feedback on the Roadshows.
This is an opportunity to make your voice heard. The Roadshows were an unprecedented type of outreach to the field. If you think they were beneficial and should be repeated, or that they were a waste of time and money, we would like to know. The information gathered will be provided to the TFMS Program Office and used by the FAA Human Factors Branch as input for a handbook for the design, training, and implementation of Decision Support Tools.
We are gathering this information via a one-on-one structured interview on the phone. This effort has been coordinated with NATCA. Below is the request for participation from the Primary Investigator at the Tech Center, Carolina Zingale, along with instructions on how to reach her and set up a convenient time. Please pass it along to anyone who participated in the Roadshows. Your support and their participation and feedback will be very much appreciated and can make a great impact.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. If you have questions regarding the study, please feel free to contact Carolina directly.
For participants:
If you participated in the TFMS Roadshows earlier this year, we would like to speak with you! What worked? What didn’t work? Were they useful? We are also looking to get feedback about your use of some of the tools covered (e.g., ABRR, PDRR, CTOP) and other, similar types of Decision Support Tools (DSTs). We will use the information we gather along with other data to develop a Handbook that will provide guidelines for how to design, implement, and train DSTs for use in the NAS.
This is an opportunity to influence how future tools are designed and trained! If you are available to speak with us, please send me a note at or give me a call at (609) 485-8629. We will look to schedule a 1-hour time slot for a phone call with you from now through the end of December 2018, Mon – Fri, between 8 AM – 4 PM ET. Please let me know the best way to get in touch with you to set that up.
Thank you very much for your participation!