
Hopefully everyone is having a good week. I wish I had more to say about pay. I know many people’s is still messed up, including mine. I was told we are hoping to have it all fixed by PP06. Alex is sending out regular updates about that so just keep reading those to stay in the loop.

We have a new arrival headed our way who will be in the building on 3/4. His name is Carlos Navarrete. Make sure you go say hi to him if you have time.


I have gotten zero feedback on how to handle this. I appreciate that you trust me to make all of these decisions for you. I’ll let you know what comes of the meeting next week.


We are still looking for an instructor to teach Tim Clark and new arrival Carlos Navarette in the labs from April 1-May 3. I know the timing isn’t great with spring break and bid leave. If you want to do this detail but have scheduling issues or bid leave during that time, go ahead let me know anyway so we can see if it is possible to work around your schedule. Even if you are willing to do it for different dates. We can pursue a change in the dates but we are unlikely to get one due to the training department’s tight schedule.

I will add one more piece to this…management has the right to assign work. They absolutely can and will assign someone to this detail if we don’t get a volunteer. I can fight them a little bit on how they change your schedule but if it is within the core/ancillary shifts in the MOU, I can’t do much. Nobody wants this to be a situation where they force someone to do it but this has to get done and management will do that if they have to.


I’m hearing a lot of complaining about losing the space button that has a blue uplink button on it now in the area but I haven’t received many replies to my email about it. If I am going to attempt to make a case to move it, I am going to need to be able to say more than “many people.” I need to say “these 20 people” to even have a shot at effecting change with this. So if you have issue with it, email me.

IST Cadre

We finally got IST back on the books post shutdown. Cadre Training will be 4/23-24 and 4/25-26. Classes will be 4/28-5/11. I need a volunteer to help teach this class. Please volunteer if you can. Reply directly to this email to let me know.

In Solidarity,
