
Well the government didn’t shut down so that’s good. The National Office sent out a very thorough update on Friday regarding everything going on. I have turned that into a word doc that you can read by clicking HERE. Also, don’t forget that the Dave and Buster’s event is tomorrow from 5-8. Hope to see all of you there! On to the update.

Sector 35

Before I was the rep, in order to stand Sector 35 up, the D-Area agreed to give up the channel 57 (RDM) transmitter site in order support the project. It has been remote muted and basically unused since we began to test the necessity of the site for Sector 14. It will soon be removed from the VSCS mapping.

I also received ZERO feedback on what you guys want to do as far as training or other actions as 35 comes on line. If you decide you have an opinion about what to do there, don’t hesitate to share it with me.


In case anyone is looking to submit paperwork to leave this PacNW paradise, here is the post shutdown updated timeline for NCEPT.

— 14 March – ERR submission deadline

– 25 March – HR Staffing Workbook entries completed

– 27 March – Facility Priority Placement Tool

– 28 March -- NCEPT data executed

– 1 April – HR resume upload begins

– 5 April – HR resume upload complete

– 8 April – Manager Ranking List published (Opened)

– 12 April– Manager Rankings completed (Closed)

– 15 April – P21 prepares data for NCEPT board

– 16 April – NCEPT convenes/adjourns

Article 5 Solicitation for Training

We are looking for an instructor to teach Tim Clark in the labs from April 1-May 3. If you are interested in this, please let your supervisor know no later that Feb 22.

During that time period, there will be shifts that are published under guides. Please keep a close eye on those shifts and if anything is compromised due to staffing (short breaks, 2 hours TOP, not getting to debrief) let me know ASAP so I can address it.

Blue Keyboard Buttons

You have probably noticed by now that there are 2 blue buttons on your keyboard. Those are for datalink uplink. There has been some consternation regarding their placement. Particularly the one that has replaced the left most space button on the number pad. I am interested to see how many of you this is an issue for. So please reply directly to this email and let me know if that is the case for you and what you recommend doing with the blue button (removing it, moving it, whatever).

Once again don’t forget the event from 5-8 tomorrow at Dave and Busters!

In Solidarity,
