
So our schedule is finally done and it is attached to this email. Please keep in mind the Article 46. This schedule is for 31 lines. If we end up losing someone then we will have to remove the Sat/Sun off straight 0900s line (Indicated as line 76 in the graphic). I attached it in that format so you can see what it looks like on bidATC. More info will follow in the facility updates on how to use bidATC.

Other reminders about the schedule:

  • 1330s will have a 10 minute flex prior to shift start time

  • 1600s on Saturdays are NF shifts

  • As mentioned before, a 2230 is an assignable shift and if something happens to prove that we need the mids here at 2230 then mgmt will begin assigning them. I haven’t seen any evidence of that, so hopefully we can keep our 2300 mids.

As for bidding, we can expect to begin on 10/25. Please leave a proxy if you will be unable to access bidATC at that time. We will need to complete the bid no later than Nov 30th to not lose leave slots.

Cliffs notes of bidding:

  • Round 1 will have 3 slots per day year round.

  • At the conclusion of Round 1, Lee and I will redistribute (not reduce) the remaining accrued leave opportunities. He will be trying to reduce OT and will likely want all remaining 3rd slots in the summer redistributed. Keep that in mind when bidding round 1. If you want summer days, TAKE THEM IN ROUND ONE. They may not be there in round 2.

  • I will do my best to keep 3 per day year round, but if it causes OT then it is an uphill battle.

  • When we redistribute, we will have a minimum of 2 leave slots per day and a maximum of 4.

  • Bidding will stop once all of our accrued slots are taken.

We have 3 weeks until the bid so try to get all of your questions out of the way ahead time. Feel free to ask me, Trevor, or Amy about any of this stuff.

In Solidarity,
