
Hopefully everyone is having a good week. Just a couple of quick things.

Article 46

So the original rumor was that there was a volunteer. Apparently that person has unvolunteered. So it is still possible that we lose MW to this Article 46. Any number of things could happen so we just gotta wait until the thing is finalized before we know anything.

Jury Duty

This has not been being handled consistently throughout the building and it is causing confusion. Here is what the contract says:

Article 27 Section 3

At the request of an employee who has been granted court leave, the employee's regular days off shall be changed to coincide with jury service days off. This change of an employee's regular days off shall not entitle the employee to receive pay in excess of that authorized for the rescheduled tour of duty.

So the key there is “at the request of the employee.” That means that we need to be requesting it. In the past, we have been able to just turn in our jury summons and the supes change our schedule. From now on, if you get a jury summons, turn it in and request what you want your schedule to be. I would recommend getting put on D08 shifts (Sat/Sun off) for the entire time you are on jury duty. That way, if you are not selected or it ends, you are expected to be at work on the D08. You can also request to return to your normally assigned shift and none of that should be denied. I know this is a departure from how it has been handled in the past so if you get a jury summons and are confused about what to do, feel free to come ask me.


Time to start getting signed up so we can be ready for the bid.

Go to to set up your account. You will need your member number.

I have all of your member numbers but it seems inappropriate to post them all here for some reason so just shoot me a text if you don’t have it and I’ll give it to you.

Click HERE for the tutorial.

In Solidarity,
