I hope everyone is having a good week. It's been a busy one for me. I am finally headed home from Philly in a few hours and ready to get out of this city. I only have a few things this time, one of which is a convention update. Enjoy!
LSC Opening
Clarence Courtney (Area A) has been selected to the training department and will remain with the LSC, however with the retirement of Dawn McElvain, we will be soliciting a replacement for her. If you are interested, please send Troy an email directly (not me) by Monday, April 30rd COB. All selections will be vetted by the Local Eboard and LSC. His email is
CICs Approving EA
Troy spoke with Don Hill today and they agreed that CICs can approve EA for "Blood Leave" as long as they consult with the OM first. So in other words, the OM has to approve it.
Convention Recap:
Day 1:
Credentials Committee Report: 387 delegates, 191 alternates and 361 members in attendance representing 14,788 votes
A18-01 regarding National Standing Committees- passed without debate.
A18-02 regarding Nomination and Election of Officers- passed without debate.
A18-03 regarding National Conventions- Adopted as amended.
A18-04 regarding National Conventions- Defeated.
A18-05 regarding National Conventions- Defeated.
A18-06 regarding National Conventions- Defeated.
A18-07 Withdrawn by the authors
A18-08 regarding Interpretation and Amendments to the Constitution- Passed without debate.
A18-09 regarding Seniority- Defeated.
A18-10 Withdrawn by the authors
A18-11 regarding Seniority- Defeated.
A18-12 regarding Seniority- Defeated.
A18-13 Withdrawn
A18-14 not heard (out of order)
A18-15 regarding Seniority- Defeated without debate.
A18-16 regarding Seniority of BU members other than ATCS/TMC/FSS/NOTAM (Region X)- Passed.
R18-01 Membership Trust Fund- Passed.
R18-02 Past Presidents Attending Conventions- Postponed
R18-03 Reimbursement for Training/Meetings - Passed.
Day 2:
Credentials Committee Report: 388 delegates, 196 alternates, and 347 members representing 14,788 votes.
Safety Committee: CFS registration is now open. CFS dates are October 22-24, 2018.
Organizing Committee: 3351 new NATCA members since 2014, 25 new FCTs now NATCA since 2014. RNT is now NATCA and that makes 100 represented FCTs. 95% of ATCS are NATCA members.
NEB Resolutions
1. Large Group Financial Tracking- regarding charter and financial policies for En Route, TRACON FACREP and CORE30 airports-Adopted.
2. CFS Lodging- regarding NEB determination to issue or amend a CFS lodging policy-Adopted.
3. Convention Subsidy- regarding criteria for determining which Locals qualify- Adopted.
R18-02- regarding amending Past Presidents Attending Conventions- Passed.
R18-04- Withdrawn by authors
R18-05-Withdrawn by authors
R18-06-amend/rename: Recognition of NATCA Locals from facilities transferred to the FCT Program- Adopted.
R18-07- Withdrawn by authors
R18-08-not heard
R18-09- Add new: PSD-5 Vision100 retirement for FSS ATCS- Postponed indefinitely.
R18-10-Withdrawn by authors.
R18-11- add new: PSH-1 Honorary Membership- Gordon Graham- Adopted.
*New Business Day 2 (untimely amendments and resolutions not in the original booklet sent out to membership):
UA18-17-regarding Finances (minor wording change)- Passed
R18-12-regarding Amend: SR-1 ARVP Official Time (wording change)- Passed
R18-13-regarding Amend: SRN-1 National Officer Salaries- Passed.
R18-14- add new: PSH-2 Honorary Membership- Mike McColgan- Adopted.
R18-15- add new: as amended SRF-24 Convention Subsidy- Adopted.
Day 3:
Benefits Committee:
Retirement Seminar in Seattle 11/13-11/14, register at
Open enrollment for UNUM ends 4/30 (
Aviation Medicine Advisory Service (AMAS)- Free and confidential information and council from doctors (who don’t work for the FAA) on issues/questions that may affect our medical.
Ford X Plan- dealer cost plus 10% plus any incentives. ( Partner code: BOFVJ
AT&T discount program- Discount code 4924955 for 15% off.
Penn State Program- (online bachelors and masters degree programs) NATCA members provided in-state tuition and 5% tuition discount and college credit for completing a certified NATCA Academy course.
Geico Discount Program-
Credentials Committee Report: 382 delegates, 197 alternates and 381 members representing 14,753 votes.
New Business Day 3 (untimely amendments and resolutions not in the original booklet sent out to membership):
UA18-18- regarding Article VII: Nomination and Election of Officers - Adopted.
R18-16- regarding deletion of PSD-1 Twenty year Retirement (9/96)- Passed.
R18-17- regarding Add new SRG-10 return rights after training failure- Passed.
R18-18- regarding Add new: PSH-3: Dean Iacopelli Conference Room- Passed unanimously.
R18-19- regarding Amend: SRF-24 Convention Subsidy (4/18)- Adopted.
World Controller’s Cup- November 4-10th 2018
Other Items and my thoughts:
The dates for the 2020 NATCA Convention in Houston, TX have been confirmed as May 27-29th. Mark your calendars. Also after a very close vote, Fort Lauderdale was awarded the 2022 convention over other bids from Boston and San Francisco. FLL will probably be the cheapest overall option, not counting the cost to get us west coasters out there, but I was really pulling for SFO. Oh well. Lake Tapps 2024??
The other really interesting thing was the general consensus on not deleting section 3 of our seniority policy. That is the section that makes it to where if you take a supervisor job and come back, your seniority gets reset. We passed the policy in Miami in 2008 and every convention since there has been a proposal to remove it. The following 4 conventions there was really heated debate on the topic and even a roll call vote in 2010. A roll call vote is where each member's vote is individually cast by your delegates. I assumed that we were getting closer and closer to deleting that section which would restore seniority to those who were supervisors and returned to the boards. I was very pleased to see that there was almost zero debate on the topic as only one person spoke in favor of it. It was almost unanimously defeated, only one vote in opposition. That means no changes will be made, supervisors do not get seniority back.
The other interesting item was the debate about where and how often to have convention. I won't bog you down with the details of the debate but the general gist of what we passed is this: The convention body still votes on the convention location (as opposed to the proposal of making it permanently in Vegas). The only way that it will end up in Vegas is if the host city does not meet certain logistical and financial criteria set by the NEB. Those criteria could be anything form room rate limits to whether or not we can all stay in the same hotel.
We also changed the President and EVP salaries to where both make the same amount ($260,000 per year), this takes effect in September after the elections. Previous salaries for President and EVP were $250,000 and $240,000, respectively.
You should be receiving an updated National Constitution in the coming weeks. I am happy to discuss any of the convention business with any of you at any time. I nerd out over this stuff so don't hesitate to ask. Looking forward to getting back to the West Coast soon and I'll be back to work Wednesday.
In Solidarity,