
Round 3 of leave bidding has begun.  This is the last round that will for sure have all of you participating.  If you earn 20 days in a year (6 hours per pay period) then this will be your last opportunity until all people who earn 26 days per year (8 in a pay period) have been given the opportunity to bid those days.

In round 3 you are allowed to bid 5 days consecutive OR non-consecutive.  You are NOT guaranteed to be able to bid 5 consecutive days anymore.  This means you can bid 5 Saturdays if you want.  You can bid 2 days in one spot, 1 in one spot and 2 in another spot.  There are lots of configurations to this, I think you get the idea.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Wonbae, you are up!  Password 2152.


Also, one more thing, it has been asked a few times why we picked the dates we did for IST and refresher and I wanted to make sure everyone knows that we did not pick those. Those were given to us by the training department. I’ve been complaining about the times they pick for years now. One of them is always around my birthday which is annoying.  Plus this year, they got us really close to Thanksgiving🙄. So trust me, I would put those all in mid January if I could.


In Solidarity,
