
I hope everyone is having a good week.  Not a whole lot to say just a few quick items.


Bid is moving right along but don’t get complacent. We got a lot of ground to cover in a short time so if be prepared to bid when it gets to you. Go to for all the bid info.  Password is 2152.


Last week I saw the B area put the AARON..MOXEE restriction on way too late and it created an undue burden on 14.  I think we all agree that routing aircraft over AARON is not a challenge, but we would much rather have the B area put the restriction on before 14 is red.  So, I have spoken to the B area rep about this a little and it is something we are going to be keeping an eye on.  If you see this happening, make sure you write down the time and shoot me a message so I can work on this.


Please go vote if you didn’t already send in your ballots.  Shit is important.

In Solidarity,
