I hope everyone had as good of a Thanksgiving as the Cowboys did. 🤠ðŸ¤
The issue I mentioned last week about it not properly taking requests has been fixed.
Schedule SOP
There is now a facility level agreement on how we should be scheduling shifts outside of your bid line. That document can be found by clicking here. If you have any questions about it, please let me know. The SOP only requires tracking of shift changes of 5 hours or more. The intent of that was to encompass all day to swing and swing to day moves. Lucky for us, Angie has agreed to track all moves no matter how small so that we can more equitably distribute them.
Cascade LOA
Garret and I were on a roughly 2 hour telcon with Cascade approach last Tuesday regarding proposed changes to our LOA. Brian Kayner, Kevin Miller, and Paul Skorniakoff were also on the call. There will eventually be some small changes to how we handle IR-346 participants and that is something we will all be briefed on when the time comes. We talked quite a bit about possible changes to our LOA and we have agreed to move forward on a trial basis with a few of the changes. The trial period will look something like this:
MFR sector to notify Sector 36 of all flow changes.
During north flow only, arrivals filed/routed via the OED 120R-180R to cross 35 nm from OED at 12,000 ft.
EUG sector to notify Sector 36 of all flow changes.
During north flow only, arrivals filed/routed via the EUG 125R-180R to cross 30 nm from EUG at 10,000 ft.
We will also be looking to amend the LOA to where EUG/MFR sectors have control for turns from ZSE as a facility, not just from the transferring sector. All of this is still in the airspace office and you can expect a briefing on the trial period and what is required of us before it begins. We will be looking for any feedback as well so we can get these changes working the way we want them before codifying them in the LOA.
Rumor has it they are gonna make a comeback. More to follow when I know it.
The Bid is Finally Back On!
The 6th and final round of the bid has begun. In this round you may bid all leave that you have. You can take 10 Saturdays if you want. You are only limited by the amount of leave you have on the books. Once we hit our maximum allowable slots the bid will be over. That means it is technically possible for the bid to not even get to you in round 6 depending on what the senior people do. Once this round is done, we will double check the books and I will give you all about a 3 day heads up on when webschduler will be open for 2019 leave year requests.
That’s it for this week.
In Solidarity,