
I hope everyone’s week is going well. Just a couple of things for you guys this week.

The Bid

We are SO close to finishing round 5. Once that happens I will need to get Lee on the same page about how we are doing round 6 and as soon as I do that I will let everyone know that we are up and running. Round 6 will be the final round. It is the only round that you can bid accumulated leave in. That is leave that you have saved up. The only limit to the number of days you can bid is the total slot limitation of 700. Once we hit slot number 700, the bid is over. Once that happens, I will pick a time and open up the webscheduler for non prime time leave requests outside of the bid process.

I also want to give a quick reminder to be courteous with the bid. Consider your brothers and sisters when it is your turn to bid and get it done ASAP. We have had several instances during this bid where people waited a full day or in some cases multiple days to bid. Technically I can’t make you bid on your RDO, but try to be a good neighbor. If Denise can bid from Cozumel or wherever, you can bid from your kitchen.

Publishing Under Guides

For the next Pay Period coming up on the schedule (PP1) you will see some days where we elected to publish the schedule under guides to accommodate leave. If you don’t agree with this decision or you run into any issues on the shifts that were published short, please reach out to me and let me know.

WMT Issues

Last I heard the webscheduler is having some issues. It was preventing all shift change requests to be entered for PP1. This means that the schedulers would not be able to input any return to shift requests and all of those, plus any other requests, would have to be kept track of on pen and paper. This is obviously undesirable and FAA IT is working around the clock to fix it 🙄. But seriously, we do hope it is fixed in time, but if not, I wanted you all to be prepared for that possibility.

Break Policy

I still have yet to see anything implemented here despite all the hubbub. However, yesterday there were rumors that the OM was mandating a certain TOP. Management does have the right to assign work even if you disagree with it (opening a slow sector or whatever). But if they start shortening breaks for no reason or they are not equitably distributing the work then that is something I can address with them. Please let me know if you see any of this.

All Members Business Meeting

We have schedule the next all members business meeting for Monday, December 10th at 3pm. As usual, we will be meeting at the ever eloquent Rainbow Cafe in Auburn (112 E Main Street). The agenda items that we have so far for the meeting are as follows:

Financial Policy/Budget Briefing

Break Room Rearranging and Upgrades

Local Solidarity Meeting (Possibly as a Holiday Party)

Use of local funds for the purchase of alcohol

If you have any other items that you would like added to this agenda, please let any rep know ASAP.

Prior to that all members meeting, we will be having an eboard meeting some time around 11/26. If you have anything you would like me to bring up with the other reps at the meeting, let me know.

In Solidarity,
