• Atlanta, GA

Beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Monday and ending at 5 p.m. on Thursday, the Arbitration Advocate Training-II (AAT-II) class will be four (4) full days and will be strictly related to Arbitration Hearings regarding contract interpretation cases.  Attendee participation is a must.  Attendees must also bring a laptop to the class.  There are eighteen (18) modules presented in this class.  There is always a question and answer period when the class is completed.  Please come prepared to learn.
There also is a pre-class reading homework assignment that is required to be completed prior to the class.
The modules presented in this class consist of:
    •    Burden of proof;
    •    Identifying CBA Articles violated;
    •    Bargaining History;
    •    Identifying laws and Agency regulations violated;
    •    Fair and equitable application of Agency regulations;
    •    Theory of the case;
    •    The Arbitration process;
    •    Role of the Arbitrator;
    •    Pre-hearing coordination with the Agency and Arbitrator;
    •    Hearing Preparation;
    •    Day of the Hearing;
    •    Opening statements;
    •    Direct examination;
    •    Cross examination;
    •    Objections;
    •    Closing;
    •    Case preparation;
    •    Post-Hearing Briefs.
This class also contains workshops and role-plays as well as a mock Arbitration hearing in which the participants will be required to research, prepare and conduct in front of an Arbitrator.
Prerequisites to take this class: Basic FACREP Training or Basic Representative Training (BRT), and Advanced Representative Training (ART), and Arbitration Advocate Training-I (AAT-I)
  Training duration: Four (4) full days
Arrive: Sunday or Monday in time for class start time at 8:30 AM
  Depart: Thursday after 7 PM or on Friday anytime