Beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Monday and ending at Noon on Friday, the Basic Representative Training (BRT) class will be four (4) and one-half days and will be Labor Relations (LR) centric, meaning the entire class consists of LR related material. Attendee participation is a must. Attendees must also bring a laptop to the class. There are ten (10) LR related modules presented in this class as well as guest speakers such as the Regional Vice President (RVP) of the host region and the President and/or Executive Vice President (EVP) of our great organization. Our guest speakers will cover the most recent events that are of great concern to our membership. There is always a question and answer period after all guest speakers and when the class is completed. Please come prepared to learn.
There also is a pre-class reading homework assignment that is required to be completed prior to class.
The modules presented in this class consist of:
Role of the representative;
5 USC Chapter 71;
Reporting requirements;
Meetings with Management;
Mid-term bargaining;
Conduct and discipline;
Article 8 versus Article 9;
Grievances and ULPs (which includes a GATS demonstration);
Think Before you Act.
This class also contains workshops and role-plays.
Prerequisites to take this class: None
Training duration: This four and one-half day training begins at 8:30 a.m. on Monday and ends at noon on Friday.